Ideally, the road to college applications should begin years before you start to put together your package; but if you are like most people, you probably only began to seriously think about college a few months before entry. Not to worry, you can still make a killer application and snag a couple of scholarships while you are at it. 1. RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH This is the first and one of the most important steps, if not the most important. After deciding what you are going to major on, do a thorough research on the colleges or universities that you would like to attend and narrow the list down to 5. Whatever you do, please do not take as the gospel truth, reviews/rankings from so-called experts or websites on a school’s standards; quite a number of them are paid advertisements veiled as honest opinions {this is the reason why we’ve compiled at least 90% of all American universities and colleges on our listing site to make the search easier for you}. Visit the univer...